
Literary Reaction Journal 6

Reaction to signs


The short movie I chose to summarize and rection to is Signs. This is the story of the love of men and women sitting on the opposite side with respect to the office building.


1.Main character

Character of this story is one woman and one man working in the office. The man is living the business at hand Just doing in the state every day and boring. Depiction of women is small, but you can catch but also to have a lively work.


Highlight of this movie is a change of heart in men. Where anaerobic is pointing to the boring day-to-day, in love with women of a building across the street that I found by chance, so that you spend every day vividly. Changes in behavior and mind of such a man is handed down well and is exciting the viewer.


He had spent a boring day. Encounter with one woman was allowed to change into something fun his life. It seems to tell us that meeting with people to move large a person's life, that he affects A great at.

4.General opinion

And I realized anew thing called love and from whether it would change a person so much. I thought the location and the moment that love is each person, of course, the Na would be nice when encounter if possible.


Literary Reaction Journal 5

Reaction to Peter Rabbit


The short audio stories I chose to summarize and reaction to is Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter.This is the story of how the day that Peter was mischief.




While the mother is going to the market, Peter Rabbit went out to farm McGregor's all alone. He was eating some vegetables on the farm. I will be chasing would be found in McGregor's it. I was able to escape, but is stripped off the clothes, it has become a scarecrow clothes of farm。



There are three sisters named Flopsy, mopsy, Cotton-tail to him.Their father I have placed in the pie by Mr. McGregor. I thought he would wonder if a character you would into action immediately thought that curious more than others, you want to do and mischievous.


I think it would be have to remember that the theme of this story, and that there important it is to keep his promise, and help from around. There would never even get into danger By observing faithfully promise, and would have been no life If it were not for the help of a sparrow when you are away.

4.General Opinion

By setting a failure like this, Peter Rabbit was able to grow one. Able to keep a promise is important, but to tackle something with a curious, becomes the thing that becomes the opportunity to teach that bad and a good thing to the people, help life in the future. We should also learn something new be to challenge without fear of failure.



Literary Reaction Journal 4

Reaction to live and Work

The short story I choose to summarize and reaction to is Live and work was submitted by Stephen in 2008. In order to work hard with my father to allow easy life is family, spent time to work, they did not make little time to enter the family. Just when I thought life is stabilized work well, and will Tsuiyaso a lot of time in the family now, he died.
私が要約して反応することを選んだ短い物語は、「Live and Work」で、2008年にスティーブンによって書かれました。父は家族が楽な生活ができるようにと一生懸命働き、時間を仕事に費やしたために、家族といる時間はほとんど作れなかった。十分に働き生活も安定し、これから家族に多くの時間を費やそうと思った矢先、彼は亡くなりました。

The main character is a father who immerse themselves in the work. The word family comes out, but the spotlight has hit the father in this storyHe spent to work most of the time of life for the honor of their own and, for the familyThat effect is the reason had led to unhappiness eventually, but it is difficult cases that can not be determined to others what was right of action if he was wrong.

I think the theme of this story is or not than is the time with the family. I think to be more comfortable family life by working hard and also would be very important as the role of the fatherBut, I think the existence of the family is essential within the life, and I do I have to cherish the time you are together.

I think this story is a thing that asks the reader to what is true happiness. I like to think about something is what you need in life.

Ⅲ.General opinion
Read this story, do you increase the amount of time spent on work for the family, it should be to cherish the time with my family, it made ​​me think deeply. His choice was to spend to work a lot of time, but will not say this choice also was wrong unconditionally. Is there a possibility that what's happy is what is necessary for me, it's too late if you do not think.


Literary Reaction Journal 3

Reaction to The important things in life

the short story I choose summarize and react to is The important things in life by unknown professor of Psychology is the character of this short story is to use some stuff, I was a few questions to his students. It was to teach them that it is necessary to reast in life.
私が要約し反応することを選んだ短い話は、The important things in life で作者はわかっていません。この短い話の登場人物である心理学の教授は、いくつかのものを使い、彼の生徒たちにいくつかの質問をしていました。それは、人生には休息が必要であると教えるためでした。


Character of this short story is a student and his professor of psychology. He use the sand bottle of mayonnaise big empty, and stone. And he explained the rest to them.

I thought figurative representation is suspect that the tool is used from some of the professor to talk. Tool used his is the example of student life. Bottle of mayonnaise if you wait too long and become a full stone, sand, then the person will be painful there is no place to go. I'm tell you so that there is no such a thing, that we need the rest.

Professor just not to describe in just mouth the need for a rest in life, you learned to the student by using a ool of some. It is easy to understand the students probably, it should be easy to come by heart. It is what the ease of change is transmitted in a twist.

4.General opinion
I was reminded once again take care of the rest by reading this story. I think the thing that time passes by too, it can not be a waste, but as he also needed time to reexamine yourself to take a break sometimes.


Literary Reaction Journal 2

Reaction to Yesterday is History


Poem I chose was written by Emily Dickinson. It is that in the past yesterday, the author, has sung as a mystery in this poem.In addition, It is the one that sang what you'd thing today. I thought this kind of poetry that's lyrics.


Word "Yesterday" is used repeatedly in this poem. By repeating the same word many times, so that you can give a strong impression to the reader, and to think the word "Yesterday".

2.Point of view
After reading this poem with a focus and will go past without closure care usually in "yesterday", it will be consider chance or was something What in the past, today, and whether the I will have tomorrow.


opinionThis poem is very short, meaning that it contains deep, it is is very hard to read the psychology of the author.


Literary Reaction Journal 1

Reaction to A Red Red Rose

I. Summary
The poem I chose to summarize and react to is A Red Red Rose by Roberts Burns. This type of poem is lyric poetry because the author talks about his feelings for his lover.  Loved ones is like a rose, it is like a melody to reverberate.  No matter that the sea dry up, rock Tokeyo matter what, even moving away to far away though, I continue to love. It is a poem that I think, such as, the author appeared strongly.

II. Reaction

1. Connotation
Feelings of those who like to have been represented very passionate this poem. Parts and it will be that the sea dry up, so that the rock melts with love of you, think of the author comes through most strongly.

2. Rhyme
Have stepped rhyme such as this "run" and "tune", "sun" and "June" in poetry. By rhyme at the end, it is possible to give a rhythm to the reader, and to strengthen the impression more.

3. Metaphor
It is even as is also the title of this poem, the author seems rose a loved one. In addition, it is likened to the melodies resound not only rose.

4. General Opinion
I think the author is represented directly in this poem, and it is with those very passionateI will be very concerned about this I think is what really has arrived to the other party the author loved.



My First Blog Post

Hello to my classmates,

My name is Mayuko Kuno.

I am not good at English.
But I think I want to study English very hard !!
Also I want to help each other with classmate.
Thank you.